
Write Better Essays: 7 Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to essay writing, surely, being a student, you must have once-in-a-blue-moon struggled with it. Sometimes, you feel like you have zero motivation to even get the essay topic on paper. And let us tell you, it is one of the worst feelings, especially if you are on a tight schedule.

Furthermore, when essay writing, students unknowingly make mistakes that may or may not affect their overall performance and grades. But, you know what? You can easily avoid these essay writing mistakes if you follow the correct strategies. Want to know how?

Well, this guide is all about exploring in-depth on this topic. Here, we will talk about seven pitfalls that you can avoid to make your essays better. Well, then, do stick to the end of the guide to learn about these mistakes and effectively master the art of essay writing. Now, without any further ado, let us move towards these mistakes.

7 Common Essay Writing Pitfalls To Avoid

Essay writing is always going to be a part of your academic career. This is a fact, and you can’t do anything about it. No matter how carefully you plan out your essays, you will always end up making unintentional mistakes. And this is the truth that you can’t deny. However, there is nothing to worry about, as remember you are not a pro who will get everything right in one go. Even essay-writing professionals make blunders. Also, you can easily avoid these mistakes the next time you are essay writing by following our expert tips. Below, in this blog post, we will unlock some common essay writing pitfalls that you should absolutely know of. They are:

Mistake 1: Lack of Planning

Do you know during essay writing, most students don’t even plan and prepare their essays? They just start writing whatever comes to their mind without even researching the topics. Well, if we honestly speak, then this is the most common essay writing pitfalls you should avoid at any cost. Wondering why?

The answer to this is simple. Imagine you have zero knowledge about your topic, and you wrote without having complete info. Moreover, you don’t even know whether it is correct or not. Do you think your audience will want to read your work? Nope! Thus, before starting with essay writing, always plan out first. Know what information you are going to be covering in your essays.

Furthermore, if you want, you can use the following tips to avoid this mistake. They are:

  • Skim through your essay topic very carefully and understand what the requirement is.
  • Afterward, start brainstorming what you are going to write in your essays. ( A pro tip: Create your essay outline on a priority basis to have clarity ahead of the essay writing process.
  • Jolt down the key points on the piece of paper so that you don’t have any difficulty writing later on.

Mistake 2: Not Crafting a Strong Thesis Statement

Yes, you read it correctly. Not crafting a solid thesis statement is the second main essay writing pitfall students tend to make. ( Knowingly or unknowingly). Curious to know how? Well, students have a concept that using hard-to-understand words will impress the professors. But, it is far from the truth. And, on the contrary, they hate it. ( Just stating the truth).

Therefore, you should always write a thesis statement that will not only keep your readers hooked till the end but is also simple and concise. Want our expert guidance on this? Well, always build up curiosity through the first two sentences of your essays. It will surely make your audience read it till the end.

Mistake 3: Poorly Structured Essays

Let us move on to other essay writing pitfalls you should avoid if you want to improve the quality of your writing. Any guesses as to what it is? Well, to put an end to your curiosity, let us tell you. It is submitting poorly structured essays. Students are sometimes in so much hurry that they even forget to read their work to ensure whether or not the paragraphs are interconnected with each other. However, it is avoidable if you follow the below-mentioned tips.

  • Firstly, as we previously said, always start your essay writing with a solid and impactful thesis statement that provides the main idea of your work.
  • Secondly, provide concrete evidence to support your ideas.
  • Do you know what will connect your paragraphs? Well, using the correct transition words. So, do use them in your overall essays.

Mistake 4: Redundant Commas

Using extravagant commas in your essay writing is another common mistake you have to avoid. Have you ever wondered why? NO? Let us tell you that using unnecessary commas can make your work hard to read. Moreover, it also increases redundancy. Thus, make sure to avoid it at any cost.

Mistake 5: Using Jargon

It is another common essay writing mistake students often tend to make. They often think that by using jargon in their essays, they will sound impressive. Well, let us eradicate this misconception of yours. Using hard-to-read words and jargon will only make your essays more complex. Thus, make sure you completely avoid them. ( Here is our expert advice: Do not ever use slang words like ” dope”, etc in your academic work).

Mistake 6: Not Proofreading Enough

Lastly, the mistake students make in essay writing is not proofreading their work enough. They are always in a hurry to just get done with their essays and submit them. They don’t even give it a second glance. Well, this can hugely cost you. Therefore, after you are done, skim through your work. Check for any sort of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Moreover, if you think you do not have enough to proofread your work, connect with Essay Writing Services PK  for editing the essays.

Mistake 7: Plagiarism

You all surely must be aware that plagiarism is considered not only unethical but also offensive in academic settings. Well, when it comes to essay writing, students often tend to forget to check if their work is plagiarised or not. Honestly, it is the biggest essay-writing pitfall. Thus, after you are done with your essays, always use different checking tools to check for plagiarism. And make sure you avoid it at any cost.


So, you have reached the end of the guide. This means now you are aware of the seven common essay writing mistakes that you should avoid to make your work better. Sounds good! So, the next time you are writing, do remember these avoidable mistakes, and you will have a premium-quality essay.

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