Essay On The Life Of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on 25 December 1876. He was a barrister, politician, and the founder of Pakistan. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah not only served for Pakistan but also served as the leader of the All-India Muslim League from 1913 until Pakistan’s independence on 14 August 1947, then as Pakistan’s first Governor-General until his death. There are many writers available through which you can get more information about Quaid-e-Azam’s life. For example, essay writing service.

He did his early education in a very common school which was not more famous at that time. Later he joined a missionary high school. After joining missionary school after a year he went to England and returned to Pakistan after four years as Barrister-at-law in 1915. He struggled a lot for Pakistan and got it in 1947 and was the first governor-general of Pakistan. He spent in whole to serve the country and work for day and night.

He is the greatest leader of this century. He devoted his whole to the creation of Pakistan. Before the creation of Pakistan, he was a member of the Indian National Congress. He worked for the Hindu Muslim community. But later on, he joined the Muslim League. He worked day and night. The Muslim league secured a significant number of seats in the Provincial Assemblies in the 1946-47 general elections. In 1940, Pakistan’s resolution was passed. The British vowed to abandon the country after the Second World War. India was split into two states – India and Pakistan – on 14 August 1947. For Jinnah, it was a great success. Despite that, he was not proud. He remained modest.

Some people are very strengthful like some people are physically strong some are mentally strong and also some people are strong with having qualities. But physically the Quaid-i-Azam was a very weak and thin person. Most probably he was become sick due to this his health was not good. But he has to struggle for this country and he did he remained firm to his stand and complete all of his responsibilities to make this country proud. At that time there were disputes between Hindus and English so he has to win from them and did it. He always showed strong will power on all occasions. We can say him as a man of courage because he never fears anything. For the creation of Pakistan, he didn’t think about his health even though his health was not good at that time. He did not care for dangers that can be very harmful to his life. He was not even afraid of death.

He was a very wise man before taking any type of decisions he thinks more carefully about those decisions after confirming all he took decisions. M.A Jinnah was a very independent person means he took decisions and thinks about them by himself. He never allowed his passions to interfere in his affairs. His arguments against or in favor of a more were very clear and conveying. He was the man of his words and the greatest spokesperson. He always stood like a rock and always succeeded from his opponents. Jinnah said that thinks a hundred times before taking any decisions and it is a very good quality of him which helps him in many things and also if people follow this rule they will get more success.

On 23 March 1940 Pakistan came into resolution by the Muslim League at Minar e Pakistan- Lahore which has been proved as a backbone of Pakistan in the war of freedom. So after passing the drafted resolution Hindus and Muslims become separate after the understanding of the problems and Quaid-e-Azam did a lot for both Muslims and Hindus. For success, honesty and dedication are important virtues. Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was, therefore, a true and devoted king. He was upright and fair and never worked for personal benefit or glory. He dedicated all of his time and resources to work for Pakistan’s prosperity. He was still happy for someone to serve. He worked hard for his country, even though his health was bad. He liked, and worked for, his people. The Quaid worked selflessly for the Muslims of India. He continued to work hard for them until his death after Pakistan was established. He never stopped his work. He urged the entire nation to work, saying that he put the same thing into motion, “work, work, and work”.

Quaid-e-Azam does not do whatever which has only good for the country but also did most things that were good for the people of the country. Quaid-e-Azam teaches people to live together to make their country strong because everyone knows no one can destroy them who has unity. Quaid-e-Azam gave three principles for the better future of the country which was “faith, Unity, and Discipline”. He told his people to live with faith and honor. In his many speeches, he said in our solidarity, unity, and discipline lie the strength, power, and sanction behind us to fight for every storm and it can be the reason for success. Essay writing services company describes the principles of Quaid e Azam in more detail.

According to Quaid-e-Azam hard work is key to success and he followed it and got success. He also wants the same thing from his people to be hard workers so that you can make your country proud. Although Quaid-e-Azam was a very hard work person and industrious person. He was always ready to serve others and also said in his speeches to help everyone even for those who can’t help you back but if you get an opportunity to help anyone then don’t take a step back but should help them.

During the struggle for Pakistan, the Quaid-e-Azam had to make a lot of speeches which also impressed the audience. He not only impresses people with his speeches but he also impressed them with his work. Due to this reason people love him a lot and want a leader like him. Quaid-e-Azam traveled a lot to India because he was very worried for the Muslims of India and later he succeeded to make a homeland for the Muslims of India. In this struggle, he sacrifices his life. His sacrifice was not for his own purpose but for the whole Muslim nation.

When Pakistan got independence on 14 August 1947, he had very critical life issues. He was fighting tuberculosis for many years but never show anything about it. He kept his life issues a secret never told anyone about the issues and these life issues never become his weakness but after 13 months of the creation of his beloved homeland, he died. He dies on 11 September 1948.

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